B-2 Spirit flying low over Miami called 'real UFO'

Do you think we will witness UFOs in the near future? Will space agencies and government agents reveal the existence of alien life?
Well, not now anyway. However, humans have grown technologically and today we have airplanes that can compete with any flying saucer.
This time we're talking about the B-2 Spirit, a stealth bomber that was recently spotted flying over buildings in a banked maneuver in Miami. It really doesn't look like anything man-made, and it feels like we're actually watching a UFO in flight.
That's the B-2 Spirit for you, a futuristic plane with a futuristic cockpit. This bad boy has a design so sophisticated it might make you do a double take. Northman Grumman's B-2 Spirit is a bomber. No, this baby is equipped with top-secret stealth technology, making her virtually invisible to radar. It looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but believe it or not, it's the real thing.